ACC @ Bird Park Picnic Grounds 9:30AM

We are SO thrilled to be gathering with our church family.  Join us in praise together by singing along to the lyrics provided.
Song Lyrics-English

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Daily Word

 Verse of the day:
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. ( 1 Peter 5:7 NLT )
Daily reflection:
Worry, it can be a real drag in the sand. A weight that just follows us everywhere we go, affecting our attitude and those around us too. Worry is a weapon used against us so viciously, that the Lord ask’s us to give it to Him. He knows the impact that worry can have on our soul and doesn’t want us walking around in that state of mind. After all, what can we really accomplish by worrying all the time? NOTHING! So let it go, if only it were so simple. Jesus invites us to a deeper place of trust and relationship with Him. When we accept the invitation, we are able to slowly but surely let go of the earthly worries that so often try to entangle us. The Holy Spirit empowers us and fixes our sights on heavenly things and shields us from the feelings of worry. After all, Jesus has us in His hands and is working all things together for the good in our life. When you realize that God is in full control of all things at all times, you can live under that freedom. The enemy is relentless and will often try to get you to worry again, just fight back with scripture. The bible tells us in (2 Corinthians 10:5) ” We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Worry tells us, God is not in control. It says that we must fix things and that we can only trust in our strenght. Worry lies to us by saying that everything is wrong and out of place. Lastly, worry robs our joy and tells us God has forgotten about us. Nothing can be further from the truth! Take heart my friends and family, make every thought obedient to Christ. Show me your biggest worry and I’ll show you one of Gods smallest problems. God bless you and have a great day.

Jump in a small group

Jump right in! Why wait? Small groups help you stay plugged in and are a great way to fellowship with God’s family. Different times and days are available, contact us right away to get connected to a small group near you today.

Home Bible study

Dive deeper into scripture with Pastor Jon Burcombe on Wednesday nights. A great way to stay connected to God’s truth and promises. There is life wherever the gospel is preached, allow the Lord to draw you closer to Him through understanding of His word and the power of His promises over your life.


You are needed! We would love to partner with you in serving. We have lots of room for new volunteers on our service team. We are fun and full of energy, happy to serve our church and community! Contact us today for details on how to get started.

ACC T-Shirts Available

ACC Church Family shirts are available for only $10.00. Buy one for your self or for a friend, they are fun and make a great addition to your graphic T collection. Pick one up today!

Up coming Teen Center events

Dates and more information coming soon!
Teen Center Hours:
Wednesday 6pm – 9pm
Friday 6pm – 10pm
Saturday 6pm – 10 pm